


In January, the Pilatus team went to Paris for the Maison & Objet event.

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Nuestro producto más vendido del 2023🎒

Our best-selling product of 2023🎒

Do you want to know what the best-selling product of 2023 has been?

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Colaboramos con 1% for the Planet

We collaborate with 1% for the Planet

be part of  1% for the Planet means being in favor of driving positive change for our planet and future generations. 🌍 5000 members are part of this organization and Pilatus is one of them. Companies that follow the path...

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Mochilas recicladas

recycled backpacks

The Spanish economy generated around 138 million tons of waste in 2021 and only 15% was recycled generating new products or raw materials. 🌍 At Pilatus we take that waste and transform it into different designer and #sustainable products ......

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¿Ser una empresa sostenible es competitivo?

Is being a sustainable company competitive?

According to a survey conducted by IBM, more than half of global consumers are willing to pay more for more sustainable products, or take it into account when choosing a brand. 70% of consumers influence their closest relationships so that...

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¿Qué importancia tiene trabajar en una compañía que cuide del entorno?

How important is it to work in a company that takes care of the environment?

The objective is to implement an action plan in favor of people and the planet. To achieve it, not only the help of citizens or administrations is necessary, but also of companies. #Sustainability can generate value in companies . In...

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Be the(r)evolution

Be the(r)evolution

Be the(r)evolution SDG 1: End of poverty. Approximately 10% of the world's population lives on less than $1.90 a day and is at risk of extreme poverty. Almost 900 million people suffer from hunger, do not have access to drinking...

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Conoce al equipo #Pilatusteam

Meet the #Pilatusteam team

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Daily teamwork and effort are the keys to moving our project forward. Learn a little more about the #Pilatusteam family . Alex, co-founder, has gone to live in the...

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Colaboración Universidad San Jorge

Collaboration San Jorge University

Does the term Green Campus ring a bell? San Jorge University contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda with a series of super interesting initiatives. Some of them are: · "Carpooling" or shared car journeys. Students...

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