This trip has been revealing in many ways.
How many times have you heard this? “The Chinese are a danger to the world economy because they produce trinkets for a bowl of rice.”
This Eurocentric discourse has done us no good.
It took us a while to realise the reality, and in a certain way we were living contaminated by this information. It was not until we visited the country that we were able to realise the real situation there.
We started the trip with the plan to visit the 6 factories that work with us manufacturing our products. We went to the cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhangzhou, Chaozhou, and Jieyang.
What have we been seeing during these days?
At this moment we have two main challenges ahead of us, which guide our entire strategy both at the level of current productions and future collections.
The first challenge we faced these days was to prove that the new materials, certified for sustainability and durability, were worth it.
Years ago we had some quality problems with the first productions that we gradually solved, to the point where now no product leaves the factory without going through a series of requirements and quality control that we established ourselves with those responsible for production of the lines in the factory.
On the other hand, the second challenge was to verify that the working conditions and waste management that had been sold to us were true.
We were amazed by this.
There are no direct differences between a factory in Spain (we have been to several in the Valencian Community) and a factory in China. The conditions are the same, but they manage to be faster and more cost-efficient because they have more resources, better technology, and they know how to apply it.
That said, we can openly say that we are really proud to produce a large part of our products there.
Mission accomplished.
We bring you what we wanted: the conviction that we are following the right path, improving day by day so that you can receive products of the highest possible quality at home.
#002 - The difficulty of finding the key.
#004 - The next level