
Conoce al equipo #Pilatusteam

Meet the #Pilatusteam team

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Daily teamwork and effort are the keys to moving our project forward. Learn a little more about the #Pilatusteam family . Alex, co-founder, has gone to live in the...

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Colaboración Universidad San Jorge

Collaboration San Jorge University

Does the term Green Campus ring a bell? San Jorge University contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda with a series of super interesting initiatives. Some of them are: · "Carpooling" or shared car journeys. Students...

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Being authentic means being yourself, which is why it is closely linked to the entrepreneurial concept. If you do what you want, if you are yourself, you will be happier. We believe that being happy is the goal that we...

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De la idea a MediaMarkt Iberia

From the idea to MediaMarkt Iberia

We were 20 and 21 years old when we founded this company and we didn't really know what we were up against, or how far we were going to go. And here we are. Our products are found in the...

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Pilatus Journey: El granito de arena.

Pilatus Journey: The grain of sand.

Many times we raise the idea of ​​a grain of sand. It seems insignificant when we consider that in order to have an impact , it needs the collaboration of hundreds of billions of other grains . It is frustrating...

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Tick ​​tock, tick tock. There is less and less left for the arrival of November 26. Welcome to the consumer party! As a brand and company in the textile-fashion industry, we want to show the importance of RESPONSIBLE consumption. Of...

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THANK YOU! 1- Thanks for the suggestions, constructive criticism and feedback. Thank you for taking your time to give us your opinion. The scope of objectives and the growth of the brand in recent years, we are achieving thanks to...

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RETROFIT, the new option for the sustainable automobile market

Do you remember the old Golf I from 74 that you inherited with great enthusiasm when you got your license? Right now you have it at home full of dust and its parts rusting, because its days in your city...

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Do you want to surprise your employees or students and show your brand in a sustainable way?

Within Pilatus, a very important part is the partnership we have with large companies. With our products we offer high visibility that reinforces the reputation of these companies that are committed to a sustainable product. One of the most valuable...

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